In light of recent announcements Alpha Auto Group has updated its Covid-19 policy
June 10, 2021
Ontario Enters Step One of Its Roadmap to Reopen
On Monday, June 7, 2021, the Ontario government announced it will move the Province to Step One of its Roadmap to Reopen on Friday, June 11, 2021. In Step One, dealers no longer need to operate by appointment only with limited business hours.
Dealers may remain open with the following restrictions:
- Dealerships must operate at 50 percent capacity
- A safety plan must be prepared and made available upon request
- All individuals must physically distance and wear a mask or face covering inside the premises
- Retailers must post a sign in a conspicuous place outside their retail location stating the capacity limit under which they are operating
- Line-ups and patrons congregating outside must be managed by the venue, standing two metres distance apart inside and outside. Face coverings are required in line-ups
- Members of the public must not be permitted in areas where the products are neither sold nor displayed for sale.
Test Drive Restrictions
The Province will continue to allow test drives under certain restrictions:
- Test drives must be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes
- A maximum of two people, including up to one sales representative, may be present in the vehicle during the test drive
- If two people who are not members of the same household are present in the vehicle during the test drive, all windows in the vehicle must be opened at all times
- Masks or face coverings must be worn by everyone participating in the test drive
- Vehicles must be properly disinfected before and after each test drive.
OMVIC will also resume in-person inspections on June 14, 2021. To learn more about the inspection process, visit OMVIC’s inspections webpage and download the guide and checklist.
Please direct questions to or the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services’ Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659